Chiron is an asteroid known as the wounded healer. It symbolises a person’s core wound, where when you have healed it to some degree, you can help others with similar issues. You may never be able to fully resolve it, but as you understand it and work through it holds less power. Each time it is triggered, you have the chance to grow and clear old pain.
It is brought to the surface for everyone at around the age 50, when we go through the Chiron return (Chiron returning to its natal placement). However it is also triggered when an outer planet aspects it.
Today, stationing Pluto squared my natal Chiron and that’s not much fun. It translates very basically as change your life NOW to resolve your deepest pain.
Pluto burns to the ground what needs to go, so that the phoenix can rise again. It always works out in your favour if you don’t resist it, and Pluto however painful, makes you feel alive.
Processing Pain and Transitioning Through Art
My art has been interesting this weekend. The 3 pictures below are all the same image – as it progressed:
Clearly a fair few creative steps are not shown here, but I was interested in how the painting went from dark to beautiful – not intentionally. I threw paint, varnish, blowtorched wax and made a right mess 😊 I put all my feelings into this picture.
It is unrecognisable from how it started and shows a healing process. It could also be described as applying a beautiful mask to a situation that is not yet resolved.
I then went on to work on my intentions for change. This also morphed considerably and isn’t finished, but it doesn’t need to be, it's not time yet. It incorporated many herbs, to assist setting and sealing my intentions. The mediative process was the point.
These pictures are raw and unprocessed. They are not supposed to be hung on the wall. They are real, not pretty. All therapeutic art should be destroyed as it contains the emotions you are releasing.
I now feel clearer and am sharing this because I have used art since early in life to shift energy and hope it may inspire you to try it yourself.
If you are going through heavy emotions, I recommend a few ways to process them:
If you want to try this process in a safe space, I offer therapeutic art sessions, incorporating Reiki drumming to take you into a deeply relaxed space. Then from within a well equipped art studio, you can express your emotions in your own way. It does not include any psycho-analysis – just emotional release with a qualified therapist who can support you. You don't have to be good at art either, your finished work is for ‘for your eyes only’ unless you wish to share it.
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