Everybody has heard the term ‘spring cleaning’. And Easter is a time of rebirth, the first Sunday after the full moon in Aries – the pioneer of the Zodiac that represents the birth of new projects and new beginnings. Energetically though, for something new to start with solid foundations, you have to let the past go. When we clear up loose ends and unfinished or unresolved items completely, a space for the new is created.
It is an interesting time, the Spring Equinox, as it sets the tone for the entire year ahead. Although there are numerous new cycles according to the many different calendar systems of different religions, in the Western World the Aries Ingress and then Easter is a time of rebirth and was traditionally seen at the New Year/the start of a new 12-month cycle. It is also the time of year that a lot of people start to feel more positive. The nights are lighter, the energy is rising, and everything has visibly started growing again.
So Why Declutter at This Time?
Decluttering – on whatever scale clears energy. Anything you don’t need or love or use or that is connected to something from the past is like a small weight tied to your ankles. Every time you clear unnecessary items from your space (i.e. not permanently moving them to the loft/garage etc but actually moving them on) is a process of letting go of energy that is dragging you down. You might think removing a few items from your space won’t make much difference, but each piece of ‘clutter’ adds up. So just as cutting a few chocolate bars each week will help you to trim down physically, so will the cumulative effects of consistent clutter clearing, lighten your energy, as you let go of anything no longer needed.
In nature, where you create a space, something new comes in to fill it. In my experience this has always been of a positive nature.
An example of this for me was after a thorough declutter throughout the house one weekend, I went to the local shop. I saw someone who I was friends with on Facebook that I had never met in person. Following that initial meeting, we became good friends. So although the stuff I let go of was physical, something new, non-physical entered my life that was really beneficial.
My home is not perfect, but in a deep meditation last year where I reflected on what I would take with me if I was to go on a long journey – the list was very small.
One of the most inspiring people I follow, left where she lived many years ago, sold everything bar a suitcase of personal items and parachuted into a new life. A brave move; very inspirational and her life changed dramatically.
Also in a consultation once, I could sense a strange energy around a lot of the objects in the occupant’s property. When I enquired about where they had come from, they all had been gifts/linked to the women’s ex. Even if we don’t consciously think about every object in our home, as we see it as we walk around, everything still carries a vibration. So it is critical to remove any objects that resonate with what we wish to leave behind, although this sometimes can take time to do.
I look at my current wardrobe. Since lockdown, face-to-face meetings requiring super sharp suits is a thing of the past. I live in jeans and leggings mostly now, and I don’t dye my hair anymore. So why keep the expensive but redundant skirts that are unlikely to get worn again?
Has your style changed since 2020? Did you lose weight or gain weight? How many of your current wardrobe items do you wear?
Can you quickly find a great outfit that reflects you now? Or is your cupboard full of clothes you haven’t worn in three years?
The colours we need to wear change too over time, to reflect the energy we need in our aura. So unless it is an occasional timeless piece, if you haven’t worn something in years, maybe it is time to rehome it. Maybe it will be perfect for someone else.
Are you drowning in bits of paper or information stored in multiple places – various notebooks, emails, bits of paper etc? You are not alone. Digital/paper/photo/email clutter is probably the hardest area for some people to tackle. Photos are my biggest bug bear.
It really comes down to time. It is easier to store everything than delete something you made need later. But for it to be useful, you have to be able to find it.
So a regular sort out of data, paper and other filing systems is critical to being able to find what you need, when you need it, without hours of searching. It is worth taking the time to take getting this in order – it pays back many times over.
Other Clutter
The two examples above are obvious areas for a lot of people to sort out and there are many more covered by other blogs and books, so I won’t repeat them here.
However, looking a little wider, clutter can also include anything unfinished, unresolved, irritating, disorganised or broken. Every time you look at it/them, the energy in you drops a little. Like a broken light or a carpet stain. It’s a small, insignificant thing in itself, but added together these all accumulate to a noticeable drain on your energy. A drain that you get blinded/so accustomed to that although still actively present, you don’t really notice it after a while.
Add to that, an unresolved work issue, a friend you need to contact but is long overdue, emotional baggage you haven’t dealt with, unresolved pain, trauma and so on – and you aren’t firing at anywhere near 100%. A great book called ‘High Energy Habits’ goes into this in a lot more detail – I reference it because I have seen the amazing transforming power of physical clutter clearing time and time again in my life, and in that of my clients. But I have also seen that every improvement a person makes in their home, life, personal healing and habit transformation – the higher their personal energy lifts. Every positive step forward, adds up to make a big difference.
I had an orange wall on my staircase for a long time. I bought a new tin of replacement paint, but decided I no longer liked that shade of colour, and tried to find a replacement. Although only a subtle shade change, that specific tone I had before was no longer right for me.
Redecoration not only freshens a room up, it generally makes you look at everything surrounding it. Suddenly the pictures may need tweaking, maybe the carpet or curtains look a bit dull or dirty now – is this a bad thing? I don’t think so.
As we change in life, the reflection of ourselves that our home is, has to change with us. Equally, changing our home is the fastest way to change our lives. Whether you do it intuitively or following a professional Feng Shui consultation, redecoration following decluttering can facilitate a major life refresh.
If clutter clearing on the physical or emotional level is something you struggle with, I can help. Contact me now at rachel@epiphanie.co.uk or telephone 07780 612625 for a no obligation discussion of what you need help with and the services that may help.
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